Wednesday, 7 May 2014


I was just about to head to bed when I saw this hilarious (but oh, so familiar) link up with Rowdy in First Grade and I couldn't resist.  It's definitely worth checking out.

Here are my late night confessions:
1.  I just heard that the classroom next door will be third grade instead of kindergarten next year and I did a mental dance of joy.
2.  My last paid field trip I put one price on the cover letter and a different price on the payment/permission form. 
3.  I love to watch curling.  
4.  Last week I got so tired of the stuff spilling out of the kindies lockers (the ones next door now, but not next year) that I put a whole schwack of their stuff off the floor on top of their lockers. 
5. If I have to say, "Stop what you're doing and listen to the announcement," one more time, or, "Go back and show me that you know how to walk in the halls," or "Which door are you supposed to come in?"  or "Show me that you're listening," or.....or...or.......I'm going to ???
6.  I found a class set of unmarked Social Studies units from NOVEMBER a couple of weeks ago. That's two report cards back for goodness sake!  I did resist the urge to hide them under other papers in the recycle unit, though. I stamped happy faces on them and sent them home. 
7.  Way back when I was a Teacher-on-Call I sometimes couldn't face getting that early morning call, so I took the phone off the hook. 
8.  It seems to me that kids have to go to the washroom a lot more than they did 10 years ago.
9.  I reuse tea bags (drives my poor husband nuts,but an Earl Grey teabag that'll make a whole pot of tea is good for more than just one cup). 
10.  I must be crazy, but in spite of all the wild stuff that goes on at school, I can't imagine anything I could love to do more. 

1 comment:

  1. The walking through the halls thing is driving me nuts too! We've never said "Go ahead and run to wherever you need to go and feel free to knock others over!" I used to turn my phone off when I was a sub too! So happy you linked up!
    Rowdy in First Grade

